
E-Sign, track and store all of your team documents.


  • Contributed as the Lead Designer and Product Manager

  • Launched MVP in 2015 and shipped 5 major versions of Documents

  • Over 70% of customers use the Documents feature

  • 700k+ documents sent and completed

  • 19% of customer reviews mentioned Documents as a feature they love

  • Contributed as the Lead Designer and Product Manager

  • Launched MVP in 2015 and shipped 5 major versions of Documents

  • X% of all tracked user interactions were Documents

  • 500k+ documents sent and completed

The Problem

The Problem

Making sure that all of the team's employment documents are completed and organized is critical for HR compliance

Traditionally HR teams have had to use paperwork and filing cabinets to keep track of all the documents. On top of that, giving new hires a big stack of paperwork on their first day wasn't a great experience either. Often times the employees would have to fill in the same information across several forms which is not only time consuming, but led to potential errors.

Employees given stacks of paperwork to fill in on their first day of work.

Manually filling in paperwork by hand, often times repeat info and errors.

Making sure documents are organized and stored in a compliant way.

The Solution

The Solution

Upload your documents, add your fields and send them for signature.

Document's let's HR teams completely digitize their documents and easily send them to be completed and signed. Information in the documents can be autocompleted from the data already stored in GoCo saving time and preventing errors. Best of all, documents can be pre-configured and sent as part of the hiring and onboarding process making sure all the correct paperwork gets completed on time, everytime.

No more chasing down unfinished paperwork.

No more missed or incomplete data on the forms.

Everything tracked, organized and stored securely in your HR system.

Key Features

Key Features

We built features that would allow HR teams to get their documents e-signed and organized securely

Document Templates

Upload any PDF or Word docs

Document Assignees

Assign steps to who and in what order

Magic Fields

Insert fields that can be autocompleted


Keep track of completion statuses


Choose who has access to documents


Organize your docs for easy access

Our Process

How we improved Documents over time

We launched the first version of Documents in 2015 and continued improving the feature over time using customer feedback as our guiding light on what to prioritize next.

Each new major release of Documents was an improvement to make the UX and overall feature better for the HR team and their employees.

  1. MVP - Download, Sign, Re-Upload
    The first version of Documents we built facilitated the basic process of sending a document to an employee, having them complete and sign it, and re-uploading it.

    This obviously was not the most idea user experience, however it satisfied the core requirement needed to launch GoCo with a new hire onboarding flow.

  2. Documents v2 - Magic Docs
    We improved the feature by allowing customers to upload their existing documents. The backend team would then create the templates by inserting variables that would be automatically replaced with data stored in GoCo. Employees could input their information and preview the document filled out, then sign it.

  3. Documents v3 - Self Service Creation
    A self-service way for customers to upload any document they had and create an e-signature version of it themselves. This was a much welcomed improved as clients no longer had to wait to get their documents created.

    The feature supported both PDF documents where you could put fields on top of a PDF, or a Word document where you could insert fields in-flow with the text.

  4. Documents v4 - Multi-Step Completion
    Added the ability to create a custom signing order for your documents. Before all the documents were restricted to a basic completion flow (employee signs —> admin reviews).

    With Documents v4 the HR team could build their own completion and approval workflows that the document could go through. This upgrade gave the HR team the flexibility to decide how their documents were to be completed.

  5. Documents v5 - Folders
    Organize and your documents with custom folders and improved search.

The Results

Documents was one of the most used features in GoCo

  1. Customer Interactions
    Over 70% of customers use the Documents feature to help eliminate paper based processes.


Customers Use Documents

  1. Documents Completed
    Over 700k documents completed saving HR and employees time and also reducing paper based waste for the planet.


Documents Completed

  1. Customer Love
    Approximately 19% of customer reviews mention Documents as one of the core features they loved.


Reviews Mentioning Documents


We used our learnings to improve the user experience

  1. "Start From Scratch" is hard
    You could build almost any process with Workflows, but sometimes users found it challenging to start from scratch. We helped solve this by launching a Workflow Gallery that allowed users to get up and running with pre-made templates.

  2. Task notifications were ignored
    Even though Workflows handled automatic notifications, a lot of the times the employees and managers they were sent to either ignored them or didn't see them (due to being overwhelmed with other priorities). We helped solve this by building better tooling for HR teams to send messages and reminders to people to complete their Workflows. Personalized messages that came directly from HR led to increased interactions with incomplete tasks and helped get processes completed.

  3. No Code Strategy
    Workflows set the foundation for a no-code strategy that had a compounding effect on feature development. Investing in new building-blocks benefited multiple use-cases and features across GoCo, and also helped improve the user experience by sharing common UX patterns and flows - making features more familiar across GoCo.

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